Carpet to wood look tile transition in a San Antonio home

What type of transitions are used with a carpet installation?

A carpet installation might be a terrific choice for the bedroom or living room, but not-so-much for a bathroom or kitchen.? Chances are you?ll want tile or some other flooring in those rooms.? To ease the flow from carpet to tile, a unique transition strip will join the two floors. If you decide on a different flooring, the 4-in-1 transition strip will work with any flooring as long as the surface is the same height.

What is a transition strip?

They are those thin metal or wooden strips at the edge of each room that finishes the edges of flooring materials; they perform an essential function.? Many rooms have different heights so that a transition strip can bridge gaps and level the floors so we don?t trip on overhangs.?

Some of them are also decorative, so they can double as design tools and often provide much-needed visual breaks.? There are different transition strips designed for hardwood flooring and other hard surfaces, but, as always, the best advice is to seek knowledge from a professional of carpet and flooring in Rockwall, TX.

Do I need a transition strip even if I?m using the same type of flooring?

It?s always recommended to use a transition strip, even if the flooring is of the same thickness. The flooring has seams to accommodate any shrinkage or expansion, and they might differ at times.? A transition strip could avoid any problems with gaps, and it?s also useful from a decorative point of view, providing some visual breaks.?

You might think it would be a good idea to keep transition strips hidden as much as possible. Still, when people see them, they can be warned of a difference in height or feeling underfoot, resulting in accident prevention.

Our goal is for you to have the most aesthetically pleasing and well-performing carpet installation. To learn more about that or any of our other products, visit the CW Floors showrooms in San Antonio & Rockwall, TX.? We work with homeowners in San Antonio, Denton, Rockwall, Dallas, and Fort Worth and provide free carpet installation quotes.